at school this week we celebrated candlemas, traditionally done on feb 2nd when the lengthening of days starts it's slow climb toward spring. we have been lucky enough to enjoy so many sunny days in maine this winter, and many of them felt more like spring than ever before. usually we feel all frozen until february or march when the little thaw creeps in ever so slowly taking it's time. this year it feels like we have alternated between full on winter snow days and muddy melting spring days.
either way we are glad to have longer days headed our way and mud season too.
we celebrated candlemas at playschool by simply making a few candles. we made a painted wax variety and also the dipping variety. i was bolstered by the efforts of the children in patiently dipping the wick again and again...out little candles might not look like much but very much time and effort and gentleness went into making each one.
cheers to bringing in spring!