Our Mission~
To provide a caring environment for nourishing children's senses through imaginative work and play, seasonal celebrations and crafts. Children will learn to care for themselves and their environment through daily activities and a group dynamic that resembles the way a family works together. Our small program allows us to know and care for each child.
Our space~
Our space is a great little cape with ample fenced in backyard space, perennial garden beds, vegetable garden and chicken coop. We have a great small Cedarworks play structure and a sandbox.We have a picnic bench for snacking and working outside weather permitting.
Festivals & Celebrations~
We will celebrate the festivals by season and make seasonal crafts during the weeks before the celebrations. We will also invite the parents to join in on some of the festivals like Soltice Spiral and Lantern Walk. We will also celebrate each child's birthday (or half birthday if they are a summer baby) and invite parents and siblings to join us in those celebrations.
We will always have crafts according to season that replace the other activity of the day sometimes. Recently in our class we have planted wheatgrass, felted eggs, made beeswax snails with a real shell and I have done some hand sewing with our 5 year old...just to name a few. I'm a big crafter so those projects are always a delight to weave into our natural rhythm. Each child will have a craft basket with an ongoing project that they can work on at their own pace throughout the year.
Natural Toys~
Our toys are made from all natural products such as wood and wool. We bring in as much of the natural world as possible to bring warmth to the children's play. Many of our toys are made in Maine by local crafters.
Our Food~
We will prepare most of our meals with the children as part of the days work. All our food will be Organic and Whole. We encourage the children to bring a vegetable to contribute for soup days. We have apple trees, a cherry tree and a pear tree and will use those fruits when in season. We also have laying hens that will provide enough eggs for our week. Children with wheat/gluten/dairy or other intolerances will be provided with a yummy and healthful alternative.